I'm just thinking if anyone can give me a few tips here so that I can understand the basics of find smallest number from smallest common denominator. I find solving problems really difficult. I work part time and thus have no time left to take extra classes. Can you guys suggest any online resource that can help me with this subject?
Algebrator is a good program to solve find smallest number from smallest common denominator problems . It gives you step by step solutions along with explanations. I however would warn you not to just copy the answers from the software. It will not aid you in understanding the subject. Use it as a reference and solve the questions yourself as well.
I must agree that Algebrator is a cool thing and the best software of this kind you can get . I was so surprised when after weeks of frustration I simply typed in quadratic formula and that was the end of my difficulties with math. It's also so good that you can use the program for any level: I have been using it for several years now, I used it in College Algebra and in Algebra 2 too ! Just try it and see it for yourself!
Algebrator is the program that I have used through several algebra classes - Remedial Algebra, Algebra 2 and Pre Algebra. It is a truly a great piece of algebra software. I remember of going through difficulties with rational equations, perpendicular lines and scientific notation. I would simply type in a problem from the workbook , click on Solve – and step by step solution to my algebra homework. I highly recommend the program.
Interesting! I don’t have that much time to hire someone to tutor me so I think this would be just fine. Is this something bought from a mall? Do they have a site so that I can see more details about the software?
Check out at the lessons available at https://mathsite.org/factoring-trinomials-1.html. You have ample information on Algebra 1, particularly on rational equations, interval notation and least common measure. Good luck!