FreeAlgebra                             Tutorials!  
Finding the Greatest Common Factor
Factoring Trinomials
Absolute Value Function
A Summary of Factoring Polynomials
Solving Equations with One Radical Term
Adding Fractions
Subtracting Fractions
The FOIL Method
Graphing Compound Inequalities
Solving Absolute Value Inequalities
Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
Using Slope
Solving Quadratic Equations
Multiplication Properties of Exponents
Completing the Square
Solving Systems of Equations by using the Substitution Method
Combining Like Radical Terms
Elimination Using Multiplication
Solving Equations
Pythagoras' Theorem 1
Finding the Least Common Multiples
Multiplying and Dividing in Scientific Notation
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Solving Quadratic Equations
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Multiplication by 111
Adding Fractions
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers
Multiplication by 50
Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Simplifying Cube Roots That Contain Integers
Graphing Compound Inequalities
Simple Trinomials as Products of Binomials
Writing Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form
Solving Linear Equations
Lines and Equations
The Intercepts of a Parabola
Absolute Value Function
Solving Equations
Solving Compound Linear Inequalities
Complex Numbers
Factoring the Difference of Two Squares
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
Adding and Subtracting Radicals
Multiplying and Dividing Signed Numbers
Solving Systems of Equations
Factoring Out the Opposite of the GCF
Multiplying Special Polynomials
Properties of Exponents
Scientific Notation
Multiplying Rational Expressions
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions With Unlike Denominators
Multiplication by 25
Decimals to Fractions
Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
Quotient Rule for Exponents
Simplifying Square Roots
Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
Independent, Inconsistent, and Dependent Systems of Equations
Graphing Lines in the Coordinate Plane
Graphing Functions
Powers of Ten
Zero Power Property of Exponents
The Vertex of a Parabola
Rationalizing the Denominator
Test for Factorability for Quadratic Trinomials
Trinomial Squares
Solving Two-Step Equations
Solving Linear Equations Containing Fractions
Multiplying by 125
Exponent Properties
Multiplying Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions With the Same Denominator
Quadratic Expressions - Completing Squares
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Different Denominators
Solving a Formula for a Given Variable
Factoring Trinomials
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Multiplying and Dividing Complex Numbers in Polar Form
Power Equations and their Graphs
Solving Linear Systems of Equations by Substitution
Solving Polynomial Equations by Factoring
Laws of Exponents
index casa mío
Systems of Linear Equations
Properties of Rational Exponents
Power of a Product and Power of a Quotient
Factoring Differences of Perfect Squares
Dividing Fractions
Factoring a Polynomial by Finding the GCF
Graphing Linear Equations
Steps in Factoring
Multiplication Property of Exponents
Solving Systems of Linear Equations in Three Variables
Solving Exponential Equations
Finding the GCF of a Set of Monomials
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solving proportions with extraneous solutions
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Author Message


Registered: 27.03.2002
From: Tampa, FL

Posted: Wednesday 27th of Dec 19:17    

Peeps! Ok, we’re doing solving proportions with extraneous solutions and I was absent in my last math class so I have no notes and my professor discusses lessons way bad that’s why I didn’t get to understand it very well when I attended our math class a while ago. To make matters worse, our class will have our quiz on our next meeting so I can’t afford not to study solving proportions with extraneous solutions. Can somebody please assist me try to learn how to answer couple of questions regarding solving proportions with extraneous solutions so that I can prepare for the examination . I’m hoping that somebody would assist me as soon as possible .
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Registered: 07.05.2006
From: egypt

Posted: Thursday 28th of Dec 11:11    

Oh boy! You seem to be one of the top students in your class. Well, use Algebrator to solve those questions. The software will give you a comprehensive step by step solution. You can read the explanation and understand the problems. Hopefully your solving proportions with extraneous solutions class will be the best one.
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Registered: 06.03.2002
From: Macintosh HD

Posted: Thursday 28th of Dec 15:08    

I too have had difficulties in cramer’s rule, rational equations and radical expressions. I was informed that there are a number of programs that I could try out. I tried out many but then the finest that I discovered was Algebrator. Simply typed in the problem and hit the ‘solve’. I got the answer right away . On top of it , I was guided through to the answer by an effortlessly comprehensible step-by-step process . I have relied on this program for my problems with Remedial Algebra, College Algebra and Basic Math. If I were you, I would definitely go for this Algebrator.
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Registered: 23.04.2002

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 08:36    

I am not trying to run away from my problems . I do admit that sleeping off is not a solution to it either. Please let me know where I can find this piece of program .
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Registered: 03.07.2001

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 14:48    

Life can be tough when one has to work along with their studies. Visit, I am sure it will be of use to you.
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Registered: 15.05.2002

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 19:06    

Algebrator is a very easy to use software and is definitely worth a try. You will find several exciting stuff there. I use it as reference software for my math problems and can swear that it has made learning math much more enjoyable.
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